About the Club

Our Mission

The objectives of The Club shall be to develop fellowship through social and cultural activities among its members.

To further the aims, objectives and interests of Italian-Americans.

To foster and encourage knowledge of the language, art, culture and history of Italy, and to foster an understanding of that cultural heritage in our country.

To participate in charitable endeavors.


Join the Club! Download our Membership Application form.

Your membership application will be reviewed by the membership committee. On acceptance you will be asked to attend an executive board meeting for an informal review. When your application has been approved, you will be sworn in at the next general meeting.

Please contact us for more information on how to become a member.

2024 Executive Board


Bill Meyers

1st Vice President

David Okun

2nd Vice President

Deana Hall


Linda Falco

Corresponding Secretary

Anthony Marchesano

Recording Secretary

Al Massanti

Past President

Josephine Mihalopoulos

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